Wednesday, December 10, 2008

I appear to be blogging again!

Well hello internets! Kate Spencer is back, and she is blogging!

This is exciting, folks. I haven't blogged since I was back in grade twelve and thought that this was a healthy way of venting my frustrations! Back when I thought the internet was a secure place for all my thoughts and feelings, and when telling everyone who was reading all the sordid details of my current crush didn't seem like a big deal. Oh, how I have matured, how I have grown.

In fact, my emotional and mental growth was exactly the reason that I shyed away from the ol' blogosphere. I was too old and wise to risk the obsession and the silliness that is blogging. But now that I'm a journalism student and I have to keep my opinions and thoughts and ramblings out of my articles (some bullshit about word count. Who even knows) I find that I miss it. So I'm back. And trying desperately to think of something to say.

You know what I've been doing lately? It's shameful, and I really hate to admit it. But I have been going through my books, and actually READING all of them. I realized a little while ago that I have all these books in my bookshelf that I have never read. Books that I've bought or have been given to me that I just never found the time for. I was probably distracted by Cosmopolitan. Or Coupland. Either way, there was a copy of Persuasion in my collection. And I have never read it. I won't share all the other titles that I pretend to know anything about. Because the list is long and embarrassing. But damnit, I am going to go through them all, and I shall READ them! It's very exciting.

A thought just occured to me. Do I need a theme, here? Everyone has music blogs, or literature blogs, or deep, meaningful, look-at-me-I'm-so-smart-and-insightful blogs. Do I need to pick a category for myself? Or is silliness and sleep deprivedity enough of a genre to be in?

This blogging thing involves a lot more pressure than I remembered...

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